Sunday, September 16, 2018

I Made It Off The Island!

This is the 3rd year of going to Star Island off the coast of NH for a rug hooking retreat. 

I met up with my posse and headed out! 

Even Pam our leader got in the act!

It was a beautiful day but the sea was rolling from the storm that hit Mississippi days ago.That is why they called and said we are getting you out a day early no extra expense. The trip in wasn't very smooth it takes about an hour to get to the island and it was a long hour.

 We were truly stranded on the island for the first two days.
No boats in or out the sea was to rough (not that we wanted to go off the island) It was chilly the first couple of days so we gathered wood and made a fire cozy...

We would walk by this window off and on and noticed the ivy had grown inside the window. It would make a great rug! 

When it wasn't raining or blowing to hard I walked to the pelican garden. That is what the workers are called on the island. Mostly college age kids lots of energy and fun.

In this garden there was lots of recycling...

An old broken frig now potato holder...

This is the Thomas Leighton the boat we cam in on. We left on a much smaller boat the Hurricane (hmm)but the sea had calmed down and it was fine on the way home.

Once they lifted the small boat advisory we saw lots of sail boats and fishing boats out so pretty.

And yes the supply boat got in just in time for our lobster dinner.
I have so much more to share with you. Rugs lots and lots of rugs oh and the quilters were there too very fun. 
I hope your week was a good one, I have a very busy one ahead of me. the weather is great today and husband resealed our porch floor while I was away, I am enjoying being home.
Have a great week!!!!


Prims By The Water said...

So glad you are safely home. Wish I had the dinner you had. Looks YUMMY! Cannot wait to see the rug pics. Janice

yaya said...

The East coast is so beautiful and I'm glad the storms didn't ruin your outing. Looks like so much fun and good food! Looking forward to more posts and pics! Your floor looks perfect...good job hubby! Glad you're home safe and sound with many good memories!

Jacqueline said...

Sounds like a great retreat. Looking forward to seeing the rugs.

WoolenSails said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time and the weather wasn't too bad.
I guess I missed a few posts while I was away, I bet Miss B, loves her new puppy.


Judy said...

I don't like boat rides over big water, but, if I could get a Lobster dinner like that--I think I'd do it!! It looks like so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Cathy,
So happy you were able to go and enjoy a few days on the island!! I am NOT a good sailor, so the trip over would have been torture for me!! Your lobster dinner looks WONDERFUL and I am really craving it now for some reason!! lol
Looking forward to seeing the rugs and happy you are glad to be home!
Have a great week!
Heart Hugs~

Rugs and Pugs said...

Star Island looks like an amazing place to hook!!!
Looking forward to much more.

Kay G. said...

What a great place to visit! It reminds me that I have been meaning to do a post about Celia Thaxter and her island, I am sure you know who she is!

Three Sheep Studio said...

Looks like you had a good time - no matter the weather. Sometimes it’s just great to get away with friends !
Eager to see pics of rugs.

Farm Girl said...

What a wonderful time. I think I would enjoy being stranded on an island like that for awhile. Especially if I could eat food and see the ocean. With a rug hook in my hand.
It is always so nice to get home too.