Sunday, May 26, 2019

Another Week Another Hike

First I would like to honor those who served and serve this country and those that sacrificed their lives for our freedom. 
We may have our issues but we are truly a great country!

I spent the better part of the weekend transplanting perennials and getting ready for memorial day.

We are finally getting porch sitting weather and I am happy to say we have enjoyed every minute of it!!

My sweet friend and I hiked Skye Pond. I have shown you this hike before but it was easily accomplished after work and a big pay off for the view.

It was a beautiful day and you could see forever. But the bugs oh the bugs they were horrible. The minute we stopped they swarmed us. 

I am not great on heights and I always get a bit of vertigo if I am too steep so I have to step back. Beautiful all the same.

There is the feeling of summer in the air. Our days are longer, we have already had 2 thunder storms, and everything is getting so beautiful. Sometimes in the long winter I wonder why we continue to live here but when spring truly comes around I know why ahhh. I guess we just appreciate it more maybe.

We are back from a family cookout and the birds have said their finial good night and it is quiet, so quiet. I am sad to say no peepers tonight. 
 I will sit on the porch for awhile longer and enjoy the silence, I am off to work tomorrow. 
Have a wonderful week.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Since I haven't done anything picture worthy, I am using these pictures from a facebook page The Forest Floor Apothecary.
They are just the sweetest pictures and if you are  on facebook I would follow them!
Yes we got rain this week but on the whole it was much better than I thought it would be. 

I am still not sleeping great but a bit of an improvement. I read an article on magnesium. They showed a few things that low magnesium could cause and some of it was me. So I started taking it on Friday. I will give it a month to see if there is improvement. and yes one was sleep.

The full moon was Sat but of course we were cloudy so I did not get to see it. I did get to spend some time with Sweet B. this weekend which I always love. And I did get time to sit on the porch. As I sit here tonight I can hear the rain coming from the hill in front of us.  
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sleep....I wish I could

Early Sat morning a friend and I took a hike..

and when you got to the top there were chairs to rest your weary bones..
After I got home I raked some more and walked around the gardens finally, finally we are starting to see spring. We have been so cold and so rainy and our winter was soooo long I thought the spring flowers forgot to bloom.

But they are and it does the soul good to see them.

They wave at me in the breeze to let me know they are there...

I am so thankful they are blooming it gives me hope for the summer.

The birds are back the fickle little things. Most of the winter we didn't have many now all colors and sizes! 

I have done a bit of thrifting but I am trying so hard to keep it to a minimum. Who could pass up these child size hand thrown pottery pieces for .50 each! sweet on a windowsill.

I got 6 new shades for my light in the dining room the ones I had were old and darker. 6/3.00 deal. 
I have had the worst time sleeping. It is starting to affect a lot.
I have tried everything dark room, meditating,aroma therapy, no chocolate, coffee etc after noon time, I drink sleepy tea, or hot water and lemon. So I walk, I walk, and walk, and walk to tire myself out and if I don't walk, I eat to try and keep the energy up! The weight I have lost is slowly creeping on. I have taken sleeping pills and benadryl but I feel so crappy the next day it is not worth it for me. Yesterday I was up and out early, I hiked came home and raked and then took a short walk I was beat. A nice shower and I went to bed and fell asleep right away. I wake up, it is still dark but I think it has to be 4 or 4:30 nope 12:15 I was in bed at 10:30. So now I am awake! I do nod off now and then for no more than 15 minutes at a time. I got so sick of it I was up at 5:30. So today I walked I sure hope this turns around soon. 

We are in for a cold wet week this week so not much going on.
Have a wonderful week!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Finally Sunshine!

We have been so dreary, cold and raw that when the sun finally did show it was something to celebrate!

I have finished and bound my commission rug.
Now all I have left is a rod pocket and a label. I will be so glad to see the end of this rug. I can not wait to work on my own pieces. 

This is the second year that husband has sold at a local vintage fair.
He had a space with his brother and niece.  He did quite well and really enjoys the time with his family.
They stay with us so it makes for a busy weekend, but lots of laughs. I did go to the fair but didn't purchase anything I am trying very hard to not add to all I have. Plus I am cheap!
Have a wonderful week my sweet blog friends!