Sunday, October 27, 2024


I am very grateful for all that I have and my wonderful family.
I made a very small batch of green tomato relish. I only had a small amout of green tomatoes left. I will use a few of the jars in Christmas gifts.
I bought a small bag of candy, who I am kidding we never get anyone here in the woods. So I bought Twix, I don't like them but husband does. 

Husband was feeling well enough to take a stroll through the vintage market,two miles from our house. I didn't get anything it was more stuff made in China than vintage.
But I saw a fellow witch shopping. 
It is a cool blustery day. A warm up is coming this week though. I made a run to the grocery store, this morning, now we are tucked in watching football and I am knitting. 
Husband is really improving thankfully.
Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Every Little Breeze....

Turn the sound up you will hear the sound of acorns and leaves falling. (Husband's workshop)

Fall has its own sounds and smells.

The one and only wooly caterpillar I have seen this year.
The longer black end is the head end. now I wonder what it means?

So I think it is winter begins harsh an ends mild. Hmmm I wonder?
Old Farmers Almanac says mild winter. which would be fine for our oil bill. 
I am knitting right along on my sweater. I have cheap yarn for my first one just to make sure I really would finish it. 

Even though our days have been record breaking warm for us. I found some time to bake I made scones and some sandwich bread today. 

Husband has been sick and in order to avoid him as much as I can I retreat to my rug room and watch old movies. Could it get any better than this??? Philadelphia Story, I love katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. On top of that when I get some time to knit quietly I am listening to an audio book,"An Irish Country Yuletide"  Yes I know it is a bit early for Christmas but I am sick of murder mysteries and I didn't want any romance so I settled on this and I am really enjoying it!

Now that the colors are fading I will end with this pretty leaf.
Have a wonderful week!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Fall Fall Fall

Burning bushes..

The road I walk everyday is becoming so beautiful. 
I didn't buy any pumpkins or mums this year but the neighbors did. 

The sky is so blue and the temps are in the 70s 
I am trying to enjoy every minute because we all know it will not last.
I have most of my gardens cut back and put to bed. 
We have had frost but these zinnias are in a protected area.
I was going to pull them out but I couldn't do it with the bees and butterflies so happy to find flowers. I will have to cut them back later.

And my fairy roses are still going. 
This is a picture of the northern lights we saw in Maine.

I had a dr's appointment last week and discussed my lack of remembering some words sometime. It really freaked me out. 
while it doesn't happen all the time or even every week. But there is a word for it lol. I was also with my friends for 5 days and it happened to them now and then. So not too worried and my dr said to not read to much into it as I am not having any other issues.
Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lots Of Pictures

This is the last of the witches hook in pictures.
There was no throw down or rug show. Things were not the same this year our fearless leader had a lot going on. But still a great time was had by everyone. 

So fun...

Around here whenever you attend a hooking event you get a charm.
Each one is unique. 

Not sure if Jane hooked this or just showing it off but beautiful!

In my swap gift I got this!! Hooked by Jane in the previous picture!

When you signed in you each got a goodie basket and a hookie cookie. We painted these (there is also a pumpkin).

And speaking of painting when the 4 of us gather we always swap gifts. Bonnie painted a wine glass for each of us.

Donna painted a box for each of us

And because we were there to hook I did get a bit more done on my rug. 

And last night I hosted my women's group here at home. 
I made a large pot of soup and everyone brought something else to share. We had a hard frost last night so the warm food tasted good. 
And they brought gifts Sweet Sue felted a pumpkin for me. It has a heart on the bottom and Janice painted the pumpkins and made the ginger pears. 
So my heart is full, my blessings are many. 
On another note I have a stye on my eye. I have never had one before and who knew they could be that painful??? Not much sleep last night I was up early putting a warm teabag on my eye. 
Well I am off to the post office I need to mail out my form for another hook in in January and mail some halloween cards. 
Have a wonderful week!!

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Witchy Time

We started the time together with the northern lights. My phone didn't take great pictures. When I get Bonnie's pictures I will post hers. 
And then off we go on our witchy adventure!!!
We joined other witchy 🧙‍♀️ hookers.
It was smiles and laughter all around.
And lots of witches got down to the business of hooking.
This sweet witch had an arm full of friendship bracelets with spooky sayings she passed around to her favorite witches.

This sweet witch had a poision bottle for a purse ,perfect!

And when a witch comes for hooking pointers. You would know by the curve of a hat.
A few amazing rugs!!!

So much talent in that room.
Fun patterns...
Great colors.....
Michelle Palmer pattern,hooked to perfection.
And that is the sun setting on another wonderful time with Sweet friends, great laughter,and constant food.
I feel so blessed.
Have a wonderful week!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Back On The Road

We had a bit of rain last night so everything sparkled.

I am packed and almost ready to go on my witchy adventure♡. The 4 of us are meeting in Maine tomorrow for "The Wooly Witches Of Wells." hook in. 
I have so much stuff husband asked if I was moving out lol.
Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autum Joy

My daily walks are getting so pretty!!!

Even the browns are beautiful.

Our colors here are at peak and rain is coming in tonight and tomorrow which will bring a lot of the leaves down. 

Our morning coffee view.

I started the snow and tree on this rug. I am not sure that this is the correct color for the tree. I see my teacher and friend on Wed. I am now hooking with a 3 yikes! and if you know hooking you know that is s-m-a-l-l. 

And because I don't have enough hobbies I am now knitting a sweater. Ok teaching myself how to knit a sweater. I have friends who knit that I can go to for help thankfully. I bought cheap yarn for my first sweater just incase I get frustrated and give up. 
Hiking with a friend is cancelled for tomorrow. It is suppose to rain most of the day and if it should clear up, hiking on wet slippery leaves does not appeal to either of us.
I will use that time to pack and get my things together for my trip to Maine on Thur. for a few days.  I am going to the wooly witches hook in with my dear friends. We are all staying together in Donna's cottage. We always laugh and enjoy each other so much ( and eat and eat) when we are together. 
Another hurricane my heart is so sad. The poor people of NC. 
It makes me so grateful everyday for this life I have. 
Have a wonderful week and if you are in Florida stay safe.