Sunday, May 29, 2016


A few weeks ago coming home from Miss B's and who do we meet but a moose.(not this moose but one just a big) It was dark and I was driving while husband slept. I thought I saw something on the yellow line and then I saw him move his head. He was across my lane, I saw him in plenty of time to stop. I said "moose" husband sat up straight in his seat! The moose looked at us for a bit and just walked into the woods. There were no other cars around so I was very thankful I was able to see it ahead of time.

We planted our little veggie garden and I put in a few
flowers not many. this is a Rosemary I have kept for a few years.
I have to bring it in in the winter as it will die on the first frost. I added a germanium

I caught a gnome passing by.

Some lily of the valley that smells amazing.
We went to a wedding yesterday for my brother in law.
It was held outside and
it was so hot! it was in the 90's with high, high, humidity.
It actually made me sick. I do not like that kind of weather
and this came out of now where.
I am happy right here.....ahhhh

It is cooler now but going into the heat again this week.
I have bought a new rug pattern I need to get hooking again hopefully I will get it transferred before winter.
Have a Great Week Everyone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Beware Of Proud Grandmother With A Camera

Recital time! yes that is our sweet B doing a spoon full of sugar.

Oh what a great job she did! So very proud of her.
She also did a ballet number but I didn't get great pictures of that.

Then Monday off we went to a Fancy Nancy tea!
And of course we had to be fancy.

It was in the library and what a wonderful job they did!
flower arrangements and glass tea cups and tea pots.

I added some fancy sandwiches....

And fairy popcorn that was a hit. If you look closely you will see

This is Miss B's mom and my AMAZING daughter looking all fancy.

And yes I got fancy too. How can you not love that sweet little face! Oh Miss B you have me wrapped around your tiny little finger.
Thank you for sticking with this post to the end!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dinner And A Walk

There have been ups and downs with the weather rainy and then really nice. Thur I met a friend for dinner and walk

This restaurant is on the lake and it has a nice board walk around
the shore.

This is before all the summer people have come so it is quiet
and peaceful.

This belongs to a hotel near by. A pretty nice spot on a
brisk summer night.

There are also sculptures along the walk.
I am in love with this pine cone it is about 4 feet tall.

and it is built out of these! Shovel heads all welded on to an iron pole.
I have been using an app on my phone to measure my steps and time that I walked. I am down a few pounds and feeling better
Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Clams, Clams, Clams

I love clams! and I had them twice this weekend yummm
I am a new Englander and although I have spent the better part of my married life in NH, I was born and brought up in Maine. We had clams a lot usually steamed with butter but I like them any way I can get them!

This is my sweet B, they had eggs hatch this week at preschool.
Look at that sweet face you know she wants to kiss that chick but the teacher said no.

I had the best mother's day my sweet B made me this pot with flowers. My daughter, son in law, and B came over. We thrifted
went to lunch, I got great gifts and the best part was having the time together. It was just a perfect day I am very blessed.

My husband has been very busy, this is the old lamp post.
nice but....

Not as great as this! Look what he built amazing right? That copper light has never looked so good. Now He has to make another one for the top of the driveway.

I just got this book. I decided I would read it as I am awful with coupons, but my daughter is amazing. she does so well with them without hording all kinds of things like on TV.
Are any of you good couponers?
We have a busy week ahead with a trip to Boston thrown in.
I hope your weekend was a good one and have a great week!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Keeping Busy

Sat we took Miss B to the mall to Build A bear
first we had to take a turn on the carousel...

This is one happy Grandchild! This was the last part of her Birthday/Christmas. We took her away for a weekend in Feb but by night time she got very sick and we had to take her home.
We took her back on Sat. for the last part of it. If you have never been to build a bear it is an experience. The sweetest girl helped
B fill her kitty and put in the special heart. B chose clothing, and a few accessories for her Kitty and we were good to go.

Today is damp and rainy so I made a half lasagna this pan I picked up very cheaply  holds exactly two noodles wide and exactly the right size long. It is veggie cheese and yummm

We have spent the day watching old movies. Hunk hunk burning love. But cute

Husband has been busy this spring he installed a new brick walkway.

stone steps down to the back yard.

And some things are blooming too!

The rain today will green things up and hopefully
reduce the fire danger.
I have been hooking a little but cleaning and spring cleaning the gardens.
Have a great week.